
Screen Acting START

The emphasis is on overcoming the mental and emotional barriers that prevent individuals from fully expressing themselves. Inhibitions often stem from fear, self-doubt, shyness, or societal pressures, preventing people from being authentic. Although it can be intimidating when all eyes are on you, overcoming inhibitions is fundamentally about unlocking one's true potential by discarding the constraints that limit performance. Managing nervousness is one of the key issues we will address in the beginner programs.

Acting involves releasing self-consciousness to fully embody a character and provide a raw, emotional performance. It’s a journey toward becoming more free, confident, and open to new experiences. The beginner program involves self-paced exercises designed to help actors overcome their inhibitions and become more comfortable. It caters to novices who want to learn correctly from the outset. This represents the first step toward becoming a professional actor.

Screen Acting START

N 599,000

  • Duration: 3 Months
  • Class sessions: 3 or 5 hours
  • Class frequency: 1 or 2 weekly
  • Class size: 12 people
  • Age: 16 & up
  • Payment plans: 60 / 40
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